Our Vision

The main vision of AMMI is to project the institute to the academic map of India with the purpose of highlighting education as Sir Asutosh’s legacy

 May 25, 1925, First death anniversary of Sir Asutosh Mookerjee was observed at  a meeting presided over by Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, then mayor of Calcutta, in the presence of other distinguished Calcuttans including Mahatma Gandhi. First unanimous resolution was passed with the mission to perpetuate the memory and contributions of Sir Asutosh by founding a memorial committee. It was also decided that a memorial library and memorial hall were to be erected for education and cultural benefit of the people of Calcutta. South Suburban college had already been converted to Ashutosh college. It took years (till 1935) to concertize the mission of the members and founders of Asutosh Mookerjee Memorial Committee.

 First few years the governing body members were busy to build and administer the Asutosh Group of Units (Cluster). In 1949, Sir Asutosh’s famous book collection was donated to the national library by his sons. In 1960 the family residence was vacated and gifted to AMMI and the institute was finally shifted from Asutosh college to their ancestral house. The governing body of the institute slowly changed it’s vision, now the main purpose was to run the organization entirely for restoration, preservation, documentation of original archival materials. A strong unit for publication, maintenance of photo galleries, collection of sculptures, paintings were started. The biggest driving factor being not only the academic purpose, but also a social purpose that powered, founding the children’s library, starting science center, building the conference rooms and auditoriums. Many seminars, lectures, symposiums have also been arranged at the AMMI premises, where speakers of national and international repute were invited to attend.

Governing Body Members:


Justice Chittatosh Mookerjee

Vice President

Justice Ashoke Ganguly


Dr. Reena Bhaduri

Asst. Secretary

Dr. Debdatta Chakravarty


Sri Suman Mookerjee

Director Science Center

Prof. Mihir Chakraborty


Rabi Prasad Mookerjee

Subho Prasad Mookerjee

Prof. Monotosh Dasgupta

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